Frank Pallone U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey | Official U.S. House Headshot
Frank Pallone U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey | Official U.S. House Headshot
Rep. Frank Pallone, currently serving in the U.S. Congress representing New Jersey’s 6th district, shared updates on legislative matters and advocacy efforts through a series of tweets. Pallone has been an active member of Congress since 1988, after replacing James J. Howard. His recent social media posts address key regional issues including water resources development and the fishing industry.
On December 10, 2024, Rep. Pallone expressed satisfaction with the inclusion of an updated Harbor and Tributary Study in the Water Resources Development Act, which was passed by the House. He stated that this measure will enable the "@USACEHQ to better address coastal flooding, storm surges, and environmental concerns in our region."
In another tweet posted on December 10, 2024, he directed followers to further information about his legislative activities with a link: "Read more here:"
Later that day, Rep. Pallone communicated his advocacy for New Jersey's fishing industry in relation to Striped Bass management measures. In a letter sent to @ASMFC, he argued for equitable treatment for New Jersey’s fishing industry compared to neighboring states as efforts continue to rebuild striped bass stocks. He emphasized that "New Jersey’s fishing industry should not be unfairly penalized compared to our neighbors."